Useful Resources

Report: Accelerating Investments for Nature-based Solutions in the Global South

Date published: August 2024
This report provides an understanding of NbS, details the difficulties associated with scaling and implementing such solutions, and proposes a framework to map and estimate the benefits of NbS in the Global South. This framework will allow users to: a) identify an intervention as an NbS, b) demarcate its benefits, and c) estimate the cost-to-benefit ratio by providing a standardised approach to assess and report on their outcomes and costs.

Report: Stocktake on Nature-related Risks Supervisory and regulatory approaches and perspectives on financial risk

Date published: July 2024
The FSB has surveyed financial authorities from participating FSB member jurisdictions and international organisations on their current and planned initiatives on nature-related risks. The report provides insights on authorities’ approaches, recognising the early stage of work on nature-related financial risks and the diversity of authorities’ mandates and approaches to date.

Report: State of Nature-related disclosures: Assessing TNFD alignment of nature-related disclosures by firms in high-risk sectors

Date published: July 2024
This report assesses the current state of nature-related reporting against the TNFD’s core disclosures. It reveals that firms assessed from most sectors on the way to aligning their disclosure with the TNFD framework, with 56% of the 16 firms in the sample disclosing information relevant to all 14 Core Recommendations, and 100% of firms having set nature-related targets.

Research report: Nature Positive solar investment: industry guidance

Date published: July 2024
Finance & Investment in Nature-Positive Energy (FINE) have published an industry-leading research report on nature-positive investment opportunities in the solar energy sector. Led by the University of York, Lancaster University an NextEnergy Capital, the NextEnergy Solar Fund explores integration of finance and biodiversity in transition towards a nature-positive future.