About the TNFD UK Consultation Group


What is the TNFD?

The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) has developed a set of disclosure recommendations and guidance that encourage and enable business and finance to assess, report and act on their nature-related dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities. The recommendations and guidance will enable businesses and finance to integrate nature into decision making. Its aim is to support a shift in global financial flows away from nature-negative outcomes and toward nature-positive outcomes, aligned with the Global Biodiversity Framework. The TNFD is market-led, science-based and government-endorsed, and consists of a number of institutions and groups that have worked together to create the framework.

The Green Finance Institute hosts the TNFD Secretariat, supported by UNEP and UNDP.  Headed by Executive Director Tony Goldner, the Secretariat:

GFI Chief Executive Officer, Rhian-Mari Thomas, is a Senior Adviser to the TNFD Co-Chairs, David Craig and H.E. Razan Al Mubarak.

More information about the work of the TNFD can be found on its website here.

What is the TNFD UK Consultation Group?

In addition to hosting the Secretariat for the TNFD, the Green Finance Institute is the convenor of the TNFD UK Consultation Group (UK CG) of over 1,300 members and 600 companies. The UK CG is one of seventeen consultation groups that work to expand outreach on nature and the TNFD recommendations and guidance.

As convenor, the GFI engages with financial institutions, corporate actors, civil society organisations, local communities, and public sector institutions in the UK to:

  • Build awareness and capacity on nature and TNFD
  • Support organisations to build the case internally for TNFD-aligned reporting
  • Facilitate discussions across peer groups on experiences with the TNFD recommendations
  • Coordinate and collect feedback from UK organisations
  • Provide answers to questions on the TNFD recommendations and guidance

The UK CG acts as a central hub of support to UK companies as they seek to understand, engage with, pilot and adopt the TNFD recommendations and guidance.

We work closely with trade associations and membership organisations to ensure support for the implementation of the TNFD recommendations is provided through the most effective platforms in the UK.

We host events to build public awareness, provide targeted advice on piloting and adoption, and gather feedback on the recommendations and guidance.

How do I join the UK Consultation Group?

To join the UK Consultation Group, please register at the link below.

To be eligible to join the UK CG, you must be a representative of a UK-based organisation that is part of the TNFD Forum. If you are not a member of the TNFD Forum, you can register on this page.

What does signing up to the UK Consultation Group entail?

As part of the UK CG, you will be kept up to date via email of upcoming events (which occur four to five times a year) and materials. You are also invited to contact the CG if you are looking to host your own events or are looking for any information on nature-related risks or the TNFD. We may contact you to understand where you need further support.

How can I find out about events?

The best way to stay up to date with all upcoming events run by the UK CG is to join the UK CG here. You can also find details of the UK CG’s public events below.

The best way to stay up to date with all upcoming events run by the TNFD is to join the TNFD Forum here and to check the TNFD website here.