In addition to hosting the Secretariat for the TNFD, the Green Finance Institute is the convenor of the TNFD UK Consultation Group – one of six consultation groups being activated at a national or regional level to expand outreach and engagement on nature-related business and finance, and the TNFD framework.

As convenor, the Institute engages with national financial institutions, corporate actors, civil society organisations, local communities, and public sector institutions to:

  • understand national concerns around nature-related risks and opportunities
  • socialise the draft TNFD framework with local actors
  • gain feedback on the draft framework to ensure the final framework can be readily applied by organisations in the UK

The National Consultation Group acts as a central hub of support to UK companies and financial institutions as they seek to understand, engage with, pilot and adopt the TNFD Framework.

We work closely with trade associations and membership organisations, in addition to individual companies that are part of the TNFD Forum, to ensure they have the support they need on their journey to adopting the framework.

We host public awareness-building events, in addition to more targeted events to provide advice on piloting and adoption and TNFD Forum member-only events to gather feedback on the framework and the releases.

For more information on the Group and how to ensure you are included in upcoming events including feedback sessions, technical sessions and broader information sessions, please see below.

How do I join the UK National Consultation Group?

If you are the representative of a UK organisation or company that is part of the TNFD Forum, you are automatically part of the UK National Consultation Group. If you have yet to become a member of the Forum, you can complete the form on this page and your details will be shared with the UK National Consultation Group.

We also recommend that you send an email noting that you have applied to:

If you are not a member of the Forum but represent a UK organisation or company interested in the TNFD, we still want to hear from you and support you if possible. Again, you can email

What does signing up to the UK National Consultation Group entail?

You automatically become a member of the UK National Consultation Group if you are a UK member of the TNFD Forum. We also work with trade bodies and organisations in the UK that represent UK members. As part of the UK NCG, we may contact you to understand where you need further support, and invite you to share your feedback on the framework. You will be kept abreast of our UK events which will occur four to five times a year. You are also invited to contact the NCG if you are looking to host your own events or are looking for any information on nature-related risks or the TNFD. You can email with any questions.

How can I find out about events?

If you are a UK member of the Forum, you will automatically be sent event details by email for practitioner-level events.  If you are interested in the public events, you can email to be added to the GFI Hive monthly newsletter.

You can find out about all events here on this page. Again, some events will be for TNFD Forum UK members only, so we recommend you sign up to the TNFD Forum here. Recordings of public events will also be shared below.

Latest Past Events