Finance Gap for UK Nature Report

Oct 12, 2021

The Green Finance Institute commissioned environmental economics consultancy, eftec, to identify the finance gap across the UK to achieve nature-positive outcomes in order to assess the need for private investment.

Please find below the press release, full report and appendix 2 along with an interactive map that highlights the gaps for England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Overseas Territories by specific nature-related outcomes.

The report revealed a minimum of £44 billion to £97 billion in investment above current public sector commitments is required for the UK to meet nature-related outcomes in the next ten years with a central estimate of £56 billion.
The largest finance gap regionally lies within England, followed by Scotland, while the largest gap with regards to outcomes are found within climate mitigation through bio-carbon and the protection and/or restoration of biodiversity.

“The data is conclusive that public investment – even if funding commitments increase – will not be enough to fund the UK’s nature recovery ambitions. Private investment is therefore urgently required in addition to public sector funding if we hope to transition to a net zero and nature-positive economy.”
Rhian-Mari Thomas, CEO, Green Finance Institute

Report and Press Release

Press Release
Appendix 2

Map Of Finance Gap By Region, Outcome And Output

Finance gap for UK by outcomes (central estimates)

Clean Water

£8 billion

(£5 billion – £15 billion)

Protect and/or restore biodiversity

£19 billion

(£13 billion – £32 billion)

Reduce flood risk through natural flood management

£354 million

(£171 million – £747 million)

Improve bio-resource efficiency

£4 billion

(£4 billion – £5 billion)

Climate mitigation through bio-carbon

£20 billion

(£20 billion – £21 billion)

Enhance biosecurity

£109 million

(£0 – £4 billion)

Improve access and engagement with the natural environment

£7 billion

(£6 billion – £30 billion)

Spending with multiple outcomes (overlaps)

£4 billion

(£4 billion – £10 billion, or 6-10% of overall gap)

Nature-related outcomes are based on public policy like the 25 Year Environment Plan in England and equivalent in the rest of the UK.

The ranges of estimates show optimistic and pessimistic expectations aboue the continuation of committed spending beyond the period of which it is committed.