Latest nature and finance insights and reports from the Green Finance Institute and partners of GFI Hive.
Biodiversity Net Gain: A Roadmap for Action
Through a Working Group of market experts and other key stakeholders totalling over 100 individuals, GFI Hive has developed a Roadmap for Action on Biodiversity Net Gain. This document has […]
The Insurance Sector and Natural Flood Management. Building the evidence, increasing commercial understanding, and upscaling the funding for NFM: An NFM Research Fund
Cross-sector, expert-led natural flood management group recommends the creation of an NFM Research Fund to channel funding from the insurance sector into NFM projects to develop the evidence base and build the commercial understanding of NFM within insurers.
Assessing the Materiality of Nature-Related Financial Risks for the UK
Nature degradation could cause a 12% loss to UK GDP. A first-of-its-kind analysis quantifies the impact that nature degradation, both domestically and internationally, could have on the UK’s economy and financial sector. The work was led by the Green Finance Institute (GFI), with a technical team involving the UK’s top researchers: the Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford, the University of Reading, the UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), and the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR).
New expert-led report sets out key recommendations to scale private sector finance into natural flood management
Cross-sector, expert-led natural flood management group commissioned by Defra sets out practical recommendations and a standardised approach to enable the flow of private sector capital into natural flood management projects. A multi-sector, expert-led Natural Flood Management Strategic Working Group, convened by the Green Finance Institute and commissioned by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, has today published its final recommendations for the financing of natural flood management (NFM) projects in the UK.
UK Nature-Related Risk Analysis Update
In early 2023, the UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), University of Oxford, University of Reading and the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR), in a […]
High priorities for the launch of Biodiversity Net Gain: Supporting Government in the Rollout of Mandatory BNG Policy
This briefing note on the top five priorities for the launch of BNG has been written with input from a group of experts leading on the development of BNG projects and investment in BNG projects across England – spanning ecology, land use, academia, finance, and local government. This Group has formed to support the rollout of BNG, but also highlight that its success hinges on several factors yet to be addressed. These relate to the robust supply of, and demand for, BNG units and building capacity within the market.
Nature Market Opportunities for Tenants: Navigating Land Use, Agreements and Collaboration
This blog post looks at a number of the issues that tenant farmers face specifically when considering engaging in nature markets. This includes navigating land use, legal agreements and collaboration with other tenants and landlords. This blog post also puts these issues into the context of the recently launched GFI Farming Toolkit for Assessing Nature Market Opportunities, which is aimed at all farmers in England that wish to learn more about nature markets. 
First-of-its-kind Toolkit will empower farmers to assess nature market opportunities, diversify revenue streams and unlock finance for nature restoration
The Green Finance Institute has published a free, interactive Farming Toolkit – commissioned by Defra – to equip and empower the farming community to understand nature markets (such as carbon credits and biodiversity net gain) and help them assess whether they could provide a suitable new income stream for their business.
Translating concept into action | The Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures
  In September 2023, the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures published its final recommendations, with a celebration at the New York Stock Exchange during New York Climate Week.  The following […]
New UK Financial Institutions for Nature Group created to support investment in nature recovery
Today, the Green Finance Institute’s Nature Programme (GFI Hive) has launched the UK Financial Institutions for Nature Group (G-FIN). With representation from across the financial sector, the Group will support […]
New independent group to advise government on accelerating investment into sustainable UK agriculture and fisheries
Expert group will advise on setting clear definitions of economic activities that can be defined as environmentally sustainable to deliver UK climate and nature goals. The Land, Nature, and Adapted […]
UK economy’s nature-related risk to be assessed for the first time
Analysis led by the Green Finance Institute, backed by Defra and the Bank of England, will quantify UK financial and economic risks from exposure to nature degradation
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